Thursday, 30 October 2014


We are learning to find and use relevant parts of the text to answer questions accurately. Copy your answers for question number 2 and 3 here.

2. What does the latin word ‘Lego’ mean? fit together

3. What does the Danish word ‘Lego’ mean? play well in danish

Friday, 24 October 2014

Shading fractions

Class 9 has been doing shading fractions here is what i have done.

Use my brain use my heart I'm going to be cybersmart.

How do we be cyber smart? It’s important to ‘use our brain, use our heart,we’re going to be cyber smart.Have you heard that word before? I’m going to explain three ideas how and why we need to be cyber smart.

Use my brain)
Using my brain is thinking and being kind to other people.Think before you do or say.Using my brain is good and to be cybersmart.When you learn your brain starts to work properly.    

Use my heart)

Using my heart is when you do your best work everyday at school.Use your heart and you will be cybersmart.When i think about using my heart that means I should do my best in everything that i do.

Being cybersmart)
Being cybersmart is when you know what you are doing and being smart online and being everywhere at school.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Time in a week

This week we've been learning about time (minutes) we spent brushing our teeth,at school and watching t.v.Here is my pie graph that shows you how much time i spend on each activity.

Thursday, 16 October 2014


Here is an artist that I have picked. His name is Michelangelo and he was born on Mach 6 1475. And he died on February  the 18th 1564.

clay faces

We are learning to find and use relevant parts of the text to answer questions.. Here are some of the things I found out from reading this article “Clay Faces” by Birgit Kerr.

Term 4 Holidays - Punctuating a Paragraph

Here is my paragraph. Look and see where I have put the correct punctuation marks.

Oh man i don’t want to go back to school!The term holidays flew by so quickly and just when i was having fun.The first week was spent sleeping in cleaning and doing chores”But” The best part was going to rainbows end,for night rides.


Wednesday, 15 October 2014

How do i spend my time in one week

This graph is showing how much time we spent doing these activities.We used examples from children in our class.We used multiplication and addition to work out how many minutes we spent doing each activity.Here is our class example.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Term 4 inquiry

Our inquiry this term is called "Art Attack".Here is my title card and three questions that I hope to find answers for.
1.How does people paint?
2.What is a cubism?
3. Who created paint?