Question 1) - Why did you dreamed about climbing Mt Everest?
Question 2) - Did you ever wanted to climb Mt Everest? Why?
Question 3) - How long did it take you to think about what your doing with this climbing Mt Everest stuff? Did it took long to think about it? How?
Question 4) - When you were young was there anyone trying to stop you from dreaming your biggest dream yet? Why?
Question 5) - If you were to come back from Mt Everest would you leave behind for the younger ones to remember you by? What? Why?
Task Description: This post is apart of the SLJ that stands for ( Summer Learning Journey ). For this weeks task we had to do an activity that was related to our summer learning journey topic A place to stand. My personal job was to write 5 questions to ask Sir Edmund Hillary back in his day when he was still alive.