Thursday, 6 December 2018

Art Kowhaiwhai Project 2018

For the past few weeks our whole team were planning on creating something that would describe our theme topic for 2018. This year our teachers had decided what would be more fun that would relate to our topic Te wai toi. The whole block had gotten splited up into two different groups, year 8's and year 7's. 
This design of mine has been taking me like two or three weeks to complete it, which was okey at first, the 6 kowhaiwhai were a symbol of my family’s member, because I loved them so much that I wanted to add them in my kowhaiwhai. The kowhaiwhai with lots of row is the river, because our family loves the sea and likes going fishing. The one with four stripes are my siblings that I love so much.

Us year 8’s were doing a project that had related to our topic theme, so our teacher chose for us to do a little kind of Maori patterns, called Kowhaiwhai. I didn’t understood what it was meant, but i understood when Ms Tapuke went through it, for us all. The year 7’s were doing some sculpture making, which was very interesting towards differences with our’s.

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